A Groundwater Flow Model for the Little Plover River Basin in Wisconsin's Central Sands

From the dataset abstract

The bulletin describes the state-of-the-art scientific tool that can be used to help make good decisions about high-capacity well placement and pumping, as well as land use in Wisconsin's Central Sands region. It can also be used to predict which wells and well locations would have the greatest impact on nearby lakes and streams. The user's manual provides step-by-step instructions for running the model.

Source: A Groundwater Flow Model for the Little Plover River Basin in Wisconsin's Central Sands

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Additional Information

Author Bradbury, K.R.; Fienen, M.N.; Kniffin, M.L.; Krause, J.J.; Westenbroek, S.M.; Leaf, A.T.; Barlow, P.M.;
Publication Year 2017
Series number B111
Resource Type Report
Physical Description 82 p.
Geographic Area Portage
Tags Groundwater
ISSN 0375-8265