Assessing private well contamination in Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette counties: The southwest Wisconsin groundwater and geology study

From the dataset abstract

The southwest Wisconsin groundwater and geology study (SWIGG) was a cooperative effort between Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette county governments, with scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, and WGNHS. Researchers tested water quality in hundreds of private water wells across the three counties. The report characterizes the types of contamination in those wells, describes sources of contamination, and identifies multiple factors that influence groundwater quality in this region. The age and depth of a well, the local geology, and the nearby land use all affect the probability that groundwater is contaminated.

Source: Assessing private well contamination in Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette counties: The southwest Wisconsin groundwater and geology study

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Additional Information

Author Stokdyk, J.P.; Borchardt, M.A.; Firnstahl, A.D.; Bradbury, K.R.; Muldoon, M.A.; Kieke, B.A., Jr.;
Publication Year 2023
Series number WOFR2023-02
Resource Type Report
Physical Description 47 p. (report) + 24 p. (appendices)
Geographic Area Grant, Iowa, Lafayette
Tags Groundwater, Driftless Area, Karst and Caves
ISSN 1058-1413