Geologic Map of Mill Bluff State Park, Monroe and Juneau Counties, Wisconsin
The geologic map of the Mill Bluff State Park provides a detailed look at the bedrock geology present at one of Wisconsin's most cherished natural sites. The map and accompanying report present the Paleozoic bedrock stratigraphy of the visible formations, as well as an interpretation of their depositional environment. This map was created as part of an...-
Geologic Map of Mill Bluff State Park, Monroe and Juneau Counties, Wisconsin
Map: 24 x 36 in, scale 1:12,000
Geologic Map of the Dells of the Wisconsin River State Natural Area
The geologic map of the Dells of the Wisconsin River State Natural Area provides a detailed look at the bedrock geology present at one of Wisconsin's most cherished natural sites. The map and accompanying report present the Paleozoic bedrock stratigraphy of the visible formations, as well as an interpretation of their depositional environment. This map...-
Geologic Map of the Dells of the Wisconsin River State Natural Area
Map: 30 x 36 in, scale 1:12,000
Geologic Map of the Fennimore and Mount Hope 7.5-Minute Quadrangles, Grant County, Wisconsin
The geologic map of the Fennimore and Mount Hope quadrangles includes 1:24,000-scale mapping of both surficial and bedrock geology. The mapping was initiated to support groundwater studies in the area. The map and accompanying report present the Paleozoic bedrock stratigraphy, including structures, as well as data from three new bedrock drill cores...-
Geologic Map of the Fennimore and Mount Hope 7.5-Minute Quadrangles, Grant County, Wisconsin
Map: 50.55 x 36 in, scale 1:24,000
GIS Data for the Geologic Map of the Fennimore and Mount Hope 7.5-Minute Quadrangles, Grant County, Wisconsin [dataset 2]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase, metadata
Evaluating pXRF instrument performance using reference materials
The portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) instrument provides fast, real-time, non-destructive, multi-element geochemical data (i.e. elemental concentrations) on rocks and minerals at a relatively low cost and with minimal sample preparation. This study quantifies the precision and accuracy of measurements collected by the WGNHS pXRF on reference materials...-
Evaluating pXRF instrument performance using reference materials
Report: 50 p. (report) + 31 p. (appendices)
Elemental Chemostratigraphy of the Cottage Grove Hole MP-18 Core: Implications for Litho- and Hydrostratigraphy in Southcentral Wisconsin
Part of a larger regional study of the Eau Claire Formation, the core, from Dane County, Wisconsin, was tested using a portable x-ray fluorescence (pXRF) elemental analyzer. The report presents the data set and discusses lithologic interpretations, subsurface lithostratigraphic correlations, and hydrostratigraphic frameworks. Includes photos of the core. -
Sampling Methodologies and Data Analysis Techniques for Geologic Materials Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) Elemental Analysis
Details the current WGNHS approach to pXRF analysis, including usage guidelines, sample preparation, calibration, and plotting techniques.-
Sampling Methodologies and Data Analysis Techniques for Geologic Materials Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) Elemental Analysis [appendices]
Data: PDF files + Excel spreadsheet