Hydrogeologic Atlas of Bayfield County, Wisconsin
Analysis of the groundwater resources in Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Includes report, five plates, and digital data.-
Generalized Water-Table Elevation Map of Bayfield County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Plate: 29.5 in x 39.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Depth to Water Table Map of Bayfield County, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Plate: 29.5 in x 39.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Depth to Bedrock Map of Bayfield County, Wisconsin [plate 3]
Plate: 29.5 in x 39.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Groundwater Recharge Map of Bayfield County, Wisconsin [plate 4]
Plate: 29.5 in x 39.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Groundwater Susceptibility Map of Bayfield County, Wisconsin [plate 5]
Plate: 29.5 in x 39.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Bedrock Geology of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin
Two plates showing the bedrock geology and depth to bedrock in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. Includes GIS data (shapefiles and grid files).-
GIS Data for the Bedrock Geology of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin (version 2) [dataset 1]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase, shapefiles, and metadata. Supersedes previous shapefile format (DI version 1)
Bedrock Geology Map of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Plate: Scale 1:100,000, 35.75 in x 28.75 in
Depth to Bedrock Map of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Plate: Scale 1:100,000, 33 in x 19.25 in
Preliminary Bedrock Geology of Southern Trempealeau County, Wisconsin
This open-file report documents the first year of a two-year mapping project in Trempealeau County, Wisconsin. This preliminary document is being released to encourage input on the mapping methods and map to make the final product as useful as possible. Contains 27-page report, map of southern Trempeleau County, cross section, and photos of drill core.-
Preliminary Bedrock Geology of Southern Trempealeau County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Plate: 26 in x 30 in, scale 1:100,000
Preliminary Bedrock Geology of Southern Trempealeau County, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Plate: 27.8 in x 24.85 in
Preliminary Bedrock Geology of Dane County, Wisconsin
This map, produced at a scale of 1:100,000, reveals the intricate layers of bedrock below Dane County. Available as a map (plate 1), cross sections (plate 2), and GIS data. Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.-
Preliminary Bedrock Geology of Dane County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: 39 in x 25 in, scale 1:100,000
Preliminary Geology of Iowa County, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.-
Preliminary Bedrock Geology of Iowa County, Wisconsin (version 2) [GIS data]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase and metadata, supersedes previous shapefile format (DI version 1)
Preliminary Geologic Map of Iowa County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: 28 in x 22 in, scale 1:100,000
Correlation of High-Permeability Zones with Stratigraphic Features in the Silurian Dolomite, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.-
Correlation of High-Permeability Zones with Stratigraphic Features in the Silurian Dolomite, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Report: 102 p. + 1 plate
Geologic Summary of the Ashland 2° Quadrangle
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Maps Prepared as Overlays for Proposed Golf Course and Facilities North of Verona
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. See WOFR1974-03 for companion report.-
Maps Prepared as Overlays for Proposed Golf Course and Facilities North of Verona
Plate: 1 p. + 23 plates (1:24,000 scale)
Subsurface Lithologic Cross Section--Escanaba, Michigan, to East Troy, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Subsurface Lithologic Cross Section--Marinette to Milton, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Subsurface Lithologic Cross Section--Friendship Mound, Wisconsin, to Harvard, Illinois
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.-
Lithologic Cross Section From Friendship Mound, Wisconsin to Harvard, Illinois
Plate: 36.5 in x 26.5 in
Subsurface Lithologic Cross Section--Ridgeway to Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Subsurface Lithologic Cross Section--St. Croix Falls to Osseo, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Subsurface Lithologic Cross Section--Galesville to Gibbsville, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Subsurface Lithologic Cross Section--Bloomington to Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Subsurface Lithologic Cross Section--Cassville to Racine, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Geologic Cross Sections
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Geology of Sauk County, Wisconsin
Geologic history and description of Sauk County, the home of Devils Lake and Parfreys Glen. Includes four-color bedrock map and cross sections. Map and cross sections are folded.-
Geology of Sauk County, Wisconsin
Report: 68 p. + map (24.5 in x 34.5 in, scale 1:100,000) and Cross Sections (24 in x 38 in)
GIS Data for the Geology of Sauk County, Wisconsin (version 2) [dataset 1]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase, shapefiles, and metadata. Supersedes previous shapefile format (DI version 1)
Geology of Juneau County, Wisconsin
GIS Data for the Geology of Juneau County, Wisconsin (version 2) [dataset 1]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase, shapefiles, and metadata. Supersedes previous shapefile format (DI version 1)
Ground-Water Quality of Rock County, Wisconsin
Ground-Water Quality of Rock County, Wisconsin
Report: 92 p. + cross section and maps (scale 1:100,000)
Preliminary Map of the Thickness of Unconsolidated Material in Rock County, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Map: Scale 1:100,000