Hydrogeology and Simulation of Groundwater Flow in Columbia County, Wisconsin
The WGNHS and the U.S. Geological Survey characterized the hydrogeology and developed a groundwater flow model to assess groundwater resources in Columbia County. This report describes regionally extensive aquifers and presents several extensive datasets collected from deep wells across the county. The report also documents the construction and... -
Potential Effects of Climate Change on Stream Temperature in the Marengo River Headwaters
Cold-water trout habitat in Wisconsin is projected to substantially decrease as a result of climate change. The extent of habitat loss depends, in part, on groundwater discharge to streams, which can provide cool-water refuges for trout. Survey hydrogeologists used field measurements and models of groundwater flow and stream temperature to evaluate how...-
GFLOW Groundwater Flow Model of the Marengo River Headwaters [dataset 1]
Data: Groundwater flow model
Geodatabase - Three Baseflow Scenarios for the Marengo River Headwaters [dataset 2]
GIS Data: File geodatabase
Measurements of Water Chemistry, Streamflow, and Stream Temperature from the Marengo River Headwaters [dataset 3]
Data: Data (spreadsheets)
Simulated Baseflow of the Marengo River Headwaters with 21% Increase in Recharge [plate 2]
Map: 11 in x 17 in
Simulated Baseflow of the Marengo River Headwaters with 12% Decrease in Recharge [plate 3]
Map: 11 in x 17 in
An Inventory of Springs in Wisconsin
Report, database, field protocol, photos, and site sketches documenting the multi-year project inventorying springs in Wisconsin with discharge rates of at least 0.25 cubic feet per second. -
Groundwater Flow Model for Western Chippewa County
This report documents the groundwater flow model that was developed for western Chippewa County, Wisconsin. It also presents analyses that were run to evaluate how industrial sand (frac sand) mining and irrigated agriculture--might affect the water table and base flows of nearby headwater streams. -
A Groundwater Flow Model for the Little Plover River Basin in Wisconsin's Central Sands
The bulletin describes the state-of-the-art scientific tool that can be used to help make good decisions about high-capacity well placement and pumping, as well as land use in Wisconsin's Central Sands region. It can also be used to predict which wells and well locations would have the greatest impact on nearby lakes and streams. The user's manual...-
A Groundwater Flow Model for the Little Plover River Basin in Wisconsin’s Central Sands [appendices]
Data: PDFs + Excel files
The 2016 Groundwater Flow Model for Dane County, Wisconsin
The 2016 groundwater flow model is a three-dimensional model using state-of-the-art representation of the hydrogeology of Dane County. This report describes the model, appendices provide data, and the user's manual provides basic instructions and recommendations for running the model.-
The 2016 Groundwater Flow Model for Dane County, Wisconsin [appendices]
Data: Excel spreadsheet
Groundwater Recharge in Dane County, Wisconsin: Estimating Recharge Using a GIS-Based Water-Balance Model
Hydrogeologists at the Survey developed a groundwater management tool to help guide land-use decisions in Dane County. The publication describes the inputs used to calculate recharge and includes a reduced-scale version of the recharge map. A full-scale version of the recharge data has been subsequently added as Dataset 1.-
GIS Data for Groundwater Recharge in Dane County, Wisconsin [dataset 1]
GIS Data: File geodatabase, metadata
Reconnoissance [sic] Soil Survey of Part of North Western Wisconsin
Reconnoissance [sic] Soil Survey of Part of North Western Wisconsin (2nd edition)
Report: 102 p. + map (scale 1 in = 3 miles)
Preliminary Report on the Soils and Agricultural Conditions of North Central Wisconsin
Preliminary Report on the Soils and Agricultural Conditions of North Central Wisconsin (2nd edition)
Report: 72 p. + map (scale 1 in = 3 miles)