Summary of Field Mapping in the Superior Map Sheet, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Geologic Summary of the Ashland 2° Quadrangle
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin
Includes Physical Setting; Soils of Barron County and Their Ability to Attenuate Pollutants; Bedrock Geology; Depth to Bedrock; Hydrogeology; Water Quality; Potential Sources of Groundwater Pollution; Groundwater Levels; Groundwater Pollution Potential.-
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Soils of Barron County and Their Ability to Attenuate Pollutants
Map: 30.8 in x 20.8 in, scale 1:100,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Bedrock Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 21.5 in x 28.5 in, scale 1:250,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Depth to Bedrock in Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 21.1 in x 27.6 in, scale 1:100,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Hydrogeology of Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 37.5 in x 24.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Potential Sources of Groundwater Pollution in Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 35.75 in x 23.3 in, scale 1:100,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Groundwater Levels in Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 35.8 in x 23.3 in, scale 1:100,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Groundwater Pollution Potential of Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 36.7 in x 24.25 in, scale 1:100,000
Bedrock Geology of Wisconsin, Northwest Sheet
Types of bedrock, formation names, major faults, and time period of formation.-
Bedrock Geology of Wisconsin, Northwest Sheet
Map: 37.5 in x 22 in, scale 1:250,000 (map), 35.5 in x 20 in (explanation and cross sections)
Bedrock Geologic Map of Wisconsin
Describes the types of rocks found throughout the state by age and explains how to interpret the accompanying cross section.