Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Wonewoc-Tunnel City Contact Interval Strata in Western Wisconsin
Results of regional study characterizing the elemental composition of rocks found at the Wonewoc-Tunnel City contact interval in west-central and southwest Wisconsin.-
Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Wonewoc-Tunnel City Contact Interval Strata in Western Wisconsin [appendices]
Data: PDF files + Excel spreadsheet
Field Trip: Cambrian and Ordovician Stratigraphy of Southwestern Wisconsin
Field trip route and notes looking at Cambrian and Middle Ordovician rocks of southwestern Wisconsin. -
Elemental Chemostratigraphy of the Cottage Grove Hole MP-18 Core: Implications for Litho- and Hydrostratigraphy in Southcentral Wisconsin
Part of a larger regional study of the Eau Claire Formation, the core, from Dane County, Wisconsin, was tested using a portable x-ray fluorescence (pXRF) elemental analyzer. The report presents the data set and discusses lithologic interpretations, subsurface lithostratigraphic correlations, and hydrostratigraphic frameworks. Includes photos of the core. -
Sampling Methodologies and Data Analysis Techniques for Geologic Materials Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) Elemental Analysis
Details the current WGNHS approach to pXRF analysis, including usage guidelines, sample preparation, calibration, and plotting techniques.-
Sampling Methodologies and Data Analysis Techniques for Geologic Materials Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) Elemental Analysis [appendices]
Data: PDF files + Excel spreadsheet
Sources of naturally occurring chromium in bedrock aquifers underlying Madison, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.-
Sources of Naturally Occurring Chromium in Bedrock Aquifers Underlying Madison, Wisconsin [appendices]
Data: Data files (tab-delimited)