Inventory and Analysis of Flowing Artesian Wells in Bayfield County, Wisconsin
This report presents a county-wide inventory of flowing artesian wells in Bayfield County. Flowing artesian wells are a remarkable resource of high-quality water that both community members and tourists value. This report provides baseline water quality data that are a valuable resource for future assessments. Data collection occurred in 2022. Includes... -
Geologic Carbon Sequestration: Assessment of Mid-Continent Rift Core Porosities and Permeabilities in Wisconsin
This report presents results from a study investigating the potential for carbon dioxide sequestration in the ancient Keweenawan sedimentary formations in northern Wisconsin. Bedrock drill core from the Copper Harbor and Nonesuch formations were examined for their properties to store carbon dioxide (Copper Harbor) and seal that carbon dioxide (Nonesuch).... -
Hydrogeology of the sandy uplands of the Bayfield Peninsula, Wisconsin
The sandy uplands of the Bayfield Peninsula are primary contributors to regional groundwater recharge and provide baseflow to streams in the area. Few data exist, however, to characterize upland hydrogeology or its susceptibility to groundwater contamination. Here, data from two new cores and wells, one existing well, and a lake in the sandy uplands...-
Rotosonic core data from the sandy uplands of the Bayfield Peninsula, Wisconsin [dataset 1]
Data: Spreadsheets (.csv)
Water-level measurements from two monitoring wells in the sandy uplands of the Bayfield Peninsula, Wisconsin [dataset 2]
Data: Spreadsheets (.csv)
Bayfield County [Wisconsin] Water-Table Map and Water Well Database
This report provides information about well construction, groundwater flow, and resulting implications for well susceptibility in Bayfield County, Wisconsin. The work follows an earlier groundwater study that focused on two agricultural areas within Bayfield County.-
Generalized Water-Table Elevation Map for Bayfield County, Wisconsin [GIS data]
GIS Data: Shapefiles
Generalized Water-Table Elevation Map for Bayfield County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Plate: 30 in x 40 in, scale 1:100,000
Summary of Field Mapping in the Superior Map Sheet, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Geologic Summary of the Ashland 2° Quadrangle
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.