Quaternary Geology of Jefferson County, Wisconsin
The Quaternary geologic map of Jefferson County, Wisconsin, provides details about the surficial sediment and landscapes that were formed largely in the footprint of the Laurentide Ice Sheet's southern Green Bay Lobe during the late Wisconsin Glaciation (ca. 20,000 years before present). These landscapes include lowlands underlain by glacial and...-
GIS Data for Quaternary Geology of Jefferson County, Wisconsin [dataset 1]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase, shapefiles, metadata
Quaternary Geology of Jefferson County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: 34.5 in x 18 in, scale 1:100,000
Quaternary Geology of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin
The Quaternary geology of Fond du Lac County consists of glacial deposits and landforms dating to the last part of the Wisconsin Glaciation (ca. 20,000 to 12,000 yr BP) and nonglacial deposits and landforms of Holocene age (11,700 yr BP to present). Glacial till and meltwater sediment were deposited by the Green Bay and Lake Michigan Lobes of the...-
GIS Data for the Quaternary Geology of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin [dataset 2]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase, shapefiles, text files, and metadata
Quaternary Geology of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: 32 in x 20.25 in, scale 1:100,000
Quaternary Geology of Columbia, Green Lake, and Marquette Counties, Wisconsin
Columbia, Green Lake, and Marquette Counties were glaciated during the last ice age, and large areas were inundated with water from proglacial lakes and large meltwater rivers that occupied the valleys of the existing Wisconsin and Fox Rivers. These processes resulted in rolling upland hills, including drumlins punctuated by low-lying areas dominated by...-
GIS Data for the Quaternary Geology of Columbia, Green Lake, and Marquette Counties, Wisconsin [dataset 1]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase, shapefiles, GeoPackage, and metadata
Quaternary Geology of Columbia, Green Lake, and Marquette Counties, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: 35 in x 34 in, scale 1:100,000
Quaternary Geology of Calumet and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin
All of what is now Calumet and Manitowoc Counties was covered by ice during the last great glaciation, between 30,000 and 11,000 years ago. This bulletin explains the glacial history, interprets the deposits left behind, and portrays the distribution of the deposits on a map and cross sections. This report should be useful to planners and development...-
Quaternary Geology of Calumet and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin [GIS data]
GIS Data: Shapefiles, metadata
Quaternary Geology of Calumet and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Plate: 35.5 in x 29 in, scale 1:100,000
Geologic Cross Sections of Calumet and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Plate: 36.67 in x 36.67 in, scale 1:100,000
Quaternary Geology of Door County, Wisconsin
Traces the complex glacial history of Door County. Map shows glacial units with shaded relief. -
Pleistocene Geology of Kewaunee County, Wisconsin
Kewaunee County, at the southern end of the Door Peninsula, was overrun by glaciers many times. Author Lee Clayton describes the county's complex glacial geology, from the surface soil down to solid rock. The accompanying map shows the placement of glacial sediments as well as glacial and post-glacial stream and lake sediments.-
Pleistocene Geology of Kewaunee County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: Scale 1:100,000, 21.5 in x 18 in
Quaternary Geology of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
This report traces the advances and retreats of glaciers through Sheboygan County in eastern Wisconsin. Available as a bulletin, map, cross sections, and GIS data.-
Quaternary Geology of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: Scale 1:100,000, 29 in x 23 in
Geologic Cross Sections of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Plate: Scale 1:100,000, 33 in x 24 in
Pleistocene Geology of Chippewa County, Wisconsin
Pleistocene Geology of Chippewa County, Wisconsin
Report: 53 p. + map and cross sections (scale 1:100,000)
Pleistocene Geology of Chippewa County, Wisconsin (version 2) [GIS data]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase and metadata; supersedes previous coverage format
Pleistocene Geologic Cross Sections of Chippewa County, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Plate: Scale 1:100,000
Pleistocene Geology of Waukesha County, Wisconsin
Pleistocene Geology of Waukesha County, Wisconsin
Report: 33 p. + map and cross sections (scale 1:100,000)
Pleistocene Geology of Waukesha County, Wisconsin (version 2) [GIS data]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase and metadata, supersedes previous coverage format (DI version 1)
Pleistocene Geologic Cross Sections of Waukesha County, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Plate: Scale 1:200,000
Quaternary Geology of Northern Oconto County, Wisconsin
Quaternary Geology of Northern Oconto County, Wisconsin (version 2) [GIS data]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase and metadata, supersedes previous coverage format (DI version 1)
Pleistocene Geology of Dane County, Wisconsin
Description of the geologic history of Dane County. The preface points out the significance of glacial landscape research at WGNHS over the past century. Many pictures and diagrams and a four-color map and cross sections show the striking differences between glaciated and unglaciated regions of the county. Map and cross sections are folded.-
Pleistocene Geology of Dane County, Wisconsin
Report: 64 p. + map and cross sections (scale: 1:100,000)
Pleistocene Geology of Dane County, Wisconsin (version 2) [GIS data]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase and metadata; supersedes previous coverage format
Pleistocene Geologic Map of Dane County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: Scale 1:100,000, 39 in x 24 in
Pleistocene Geology of Lincoln County, Wisconsin
Pleistocene Geology of Lincoln County, Wisconsin (version 2) [GIS data]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase and metadata; supersedes previous coverage format
Pleistocene Geology of Polk County, Wisconsin
Pleistocene Geology of Polk County, Wisconsin
Report: 70 p. + map and cross sections (scale 1:100,000)
Pleistocene Geology of Polk County, Wisconsin [GIS data]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase and metadata
Pleistocene Geology and Cross Sections of Polk County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: Scale 1:100,000
Quaternary Geology of Ozaukee and Washington Counties, Wisconsin
Quaternary Geology of Ozaukee and Washington Counties, Wisconsin
Report: 56 p. + map and cross sections (scale 1:100,000)
Quaternary Geology of Ozaukee and Washington Counties, Wisconsin [GIS data]
GIS Data: Shapefiles, MrSID file
Quaternary Geologic Map of Ozaukee and Washington Counties, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: Scale 1:100,000
Geologic Cross Sections of Ozaukee and Washington Counties, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Plate: 26 in x 24 in
Pleistocene Geology of Taylor County, Wisconsin
Pleistocene Geology of Taylor County, Wisconsin
Report: 25 p. + map and cross sections (scale 1:100,000)