Quaternary Geology of Waupaca County, Wisconsin
The Quaternary geologic map of Waupaca County, Wisconsin, provides details about the surficial sediment and landscapes that were formed underneath and adjacent to the Laurentide Ice Sheet during the late Wisconsin Glaciation (ca. 20,000 years before present). These landscapes include lowlands underlain by glacial and postglacial lake sediment, uplands...-
Geologic Log Data for Quaternary Geology of Waupaca County, Wisconsin [dataset 1]
Data: Excel spreadsheet
GIS Data for Quaternary Geology of Waupaca County, Wisconsin [dataset 2]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase, shapefiles, geopackage, metadata
Conditions around the Margin of the Green Bay Lobe During the Height of the Wisconsin Glaciation
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Lexicon of Pleistocene Stratigraphic Units of Wisconsin
This 180-page book marks the first update in over 20 years to the collection of formal definitions of Wisconsin's Pleistocene units. Contains over 100 color maps, photographs, and figures as well as an extensive list of references. -
Geology of Wisconsin - Outcrop Descriptions
These descriptions illustrate various geologic formations, features, and characteristics. Individual descriptions are one to ten pages long, and include a map with specific location, a description of geologic features, and a discussion of the geologic significance. -
Geology of Sauk County, Wisconsin
Geologic history and description of Sauk County, the home of Devils Lake and Parfreys Glen. Includes four-color bedrock map and cross sections. Map and cross sections are folded.-
Geology of Sauk County, Wisconsin
Report: 68 p. + map (24.5 in x 34.5 in, scale 1:100,000) and Cross Sections (24 in x 38 in)
GIS Data for the Geology of Sauk County, Wisconsin (version 2) [dataset 1]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase, shapefiles, and metadata. Supersedes previous shapefile format (DI version 1)
Quaternary History of the Driftless Area with Special Papers
Prepared for 29th Annual Meeting, Midwest Friends of the Pleistocene. -
Glaciation of Wisconsin
Brief technical description of Wisconsin’s geologic history, glacial phases and lobes, and correlation and distribution of Pleistocene units. Heavily illustrated. -
The Ice Age Geology of Devils Lake State Park
Devils Lake State Park is a place of striking geologic contrasts, where some of the oldest rock exposed in southern Wisconsin lies next to some of the youngest geologic materials in the state. The purple rock (called Baraboo quartzite) in the walls of Devils Lake gorge is more than 1.7 billion years old; the glacially deposited ridges that block both ends...-
The Ice Age Geology of Devils Lake State Park
Report: 28 p. + map (18 in x 24 in, scale 1:24,000)
Pleistocene Geology of Dane County, Wisconsin
Description of the geologic history of Dane County. The preface points out the significance of glacial landscape research at WGNHS over the past century. Many pictures and diagrams and a four-color map and cross sections show the striking differences between glaciated and unglaciated regions of the county. Map and cross sections are folded.-
Pleistocene Geology of Dane County, Wisconsin
Report: 64 p. + map and cross sections (scale: 1:100,000)
Pleistocene Geology of Dane County, Wisconsin (version 2) [GIS data]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase and metadata; supersedes previous coverage format
Pleistocene Geologic Map of Dane County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: Scale 1:100,000, 39 in x 24 in