Elevation contours of the Precambrian surface of south-central Wisconsin
Elevation contour data and an accompanying report provide an updated interpretation of the elevation of the top of Precambrian bedrock in south-central Wisconsin. The elevation surface was developed from geologic and geophysical data, and provides new detail on the entrenched bedrock valleys that were incised into the north and south ranges of the Baraboo...-
Elevation contours of the Precambrian surface of south-central Wisconsin [dataset 1]
GIS Data: File geodatabase, metadata
Depth-to-Bedrock Map of Dodge County, Wisconsin
This map shows thicknesses of deposits of unconsolidated materials above the bedrock. Across the county, depth to bedrock ranges from 0 feet, where bedrock is exposed, to over 250 feet within bedrock valleys. Areas with bedrock depths shallower than 20 feet are of particular importance for land-use planning and to the construction stone industry. Such... -
Bedrock Geology of Dodge County, Wisconsin
Dodge County lies in southeast Wisconsin, an area almost entirely covered by glacial deposits. This map interprets the distribution of the buried bedrock units across the county. Geologist Esther Stewart’s refinement of the bedrock elevation contours may help land-use planners identify areas most susceptible to groundwater contamination from applications...-
Supporting Data for the Bedrock Geology of Dodge County, Wisconsin
Data: Tabular data files (Excel)
GIS Data for the Bedrock Geology of Dodge County, Wisconsin [dataset 2]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase, shapefiles, GeoPackage, and metadata