Depth to Silurian Bedrock in Eastern Wisconsin
Silurian-aged bedrock in eastern Wisconsin is shallow, fractured, and contains groundwater that is susceptible to surface water contamination. Revisions to Wisconsin state rules ATCP50 and NR151 to regulate manure spreading over this Silurian-aged bedrock create the need for a depth-to-bedrock map of eastern WI. The Wisconsin Geological and Natural...-
Depth to Silurian Bedrock in Eastern Wisconsin [dataset 1]
GIS Data: File geodatabase, metadata
Wisconsin Groundwater-Level Monitoring Network Improvements, 2018-2021
This report documents work completed as part of a grant from the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Groundwater Monitoring Network (NGWMN) program. It provides an overview of the Wisconsin Groundwater-Level Monitoring Network (WGLMN) and provides detailed description of well evaluation and repair activities, and drilling of new monitoring wells across the... -
Assessing Seasonal Variations in Recharge and Water Quality in the Silurian Aquifer in Areas with Thicker Soil Cover
Documentation of variations in groundwater levels and selected water-quality parameters in four wells completed in the Silurian dolomite aquifer in northeast Wisconsin (Brown, Calumet, Kewaunee, and Manitowoc Counties).-
Assessing Seasonal Variations in Recharge and Water Quality in the Silurian Aquifer in Areas with Thicker Soil Cover
Report: 38 p. + appendix (4 oversized pages)
Quaternary Geology of Calumet and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin
All of what is now Calumet and Manitowoc Counties was covered by ice during the last great glaciation, between 30,000 and 11,000 years ago. This bulletin explains the glacial history, interprets the deposits left behind, and portrays the distribution of the deposits on a map and cross sections. This report should be useful to planners and development...-
Quaternary Geology of Calumet and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin [GIS data]
GIS Data: Shapefiles, metadata
Quaternary Geology of Calumet and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Plate: 35.5 in x 29 in, scale 1:100,000
Geologic Cross Sections of Calumet and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Plate: 36.67 in x 36.67 in, scale 1:100,000
Wisconsin Groundwater-Level Monitoring Network Improvement
The Wisconsin Groundwater-Level Monitoring Network consists of 93 wells and 2 spring gaging stations. This report documents work performed on seven of the wells between August 1, 2016 and July 31, 2017, and appendices provide historical reference documents. -
Merging Pleistocene Lithostratigraphy with Geotechnical and Hydrogeologic Data--Examples from Eastern Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Geology of Wisconsin - Outcrop Descriptions
These descriptions illustrate various geologic formations, features, and characteristics. Individual descriptions are one to ten pages long, and include a map with specific location, a description of geologic features, and a discussion of the geologic significance. -
A Subsurface Study of the St. Peter Sandstone in Southern and Eastern Wisconsin
A Subsurface Study of the St. Peter Sandstone in Southern and Eastern Wisconsin
Report: 26 p. + maps (scale 1:750,000)