Evaluating pXRF instrument performance using reference materials
The portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) instrument provides fast, real-time, non-destructive, multi-element geochemical data (i.e. elemental concentrations) on rocks and minerals at a relatively low cost and with minimal sample preparation. This study quantifies the precision and accuracy of measurements collected by the WGNHS pXRF on reference materials...-
Evaluating pXRF instrument performance using reference materials
Report: 50 p. (report) + 31 p. (appendices)
Mineral Assessments for Conservation Easements in Wisconsin
If you’re thinking about donating land as a conservation easement but don’t own the subsurface (known as “severed mineral rights”), then you’ll need an assessment of the land’s mineral potential to determine whether the easement will qualify as a charitable tax deduction. Geologists at the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey perform this... -
Depth-to-Bedrock Mapping in Wisconsin
Depth-to-bedrock maps show the thickness of unconsolidated materials overlying bedrock. These maps provide a key link between the underlying geology, groundwater flow, and land use and are important in guiding activities such as permitting, bridge construction, and the land application of waste products in sensitive areas. Given their role in guiding... -
Methods and Best Practices for Surveying Springs in Wisconsin
Description of the field methods and data management procedures used to produce the Springs Inventory (see Bulletin 113). -
An Inventory of Springs in Wisconsin
Report, database, field protocol, photos, and site sketches documenting the multi-year project inventorying springs in Wisconsin with discharge rates of at least 0.25 cubic feet per second. -
2018 Year in Review
An overview of some of the projects worked on by the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey in 2018. -
2017 Year in Review
In 2017, Survey staff worked in 69 Wisconsin counties. We mapped geology, inventoried springs, and created groundwater models. We provide natural resource managers – land and water conservationists, county boards, and water utilities – with the information they need to protect and share their resources. This publication provides a summary of some of the... -
2016 Year in Review
In 2016, Survey staff worked in 64 Wisconsin counties. We mapped geology, inventoried springs, and created groundwater models. We provide natural resource managers – land and water conservationists, county boards, and water utilities – with the information they need to protect and share their resources. This publication provides a summary of some of the... -
Sampling Methodologies and Data Analysis Techniques for Geologic Materials Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) Elemental Analysis
Details the current WGNHS approach to pXRF analysis, including usage guidelines, sample preparation, calibration, and plotting techniques.-
Sampling Methodologies and Data Analysis Techniques for Geologic Materials Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) Elemental Analysis [appendices]
Data: PDF files + Excel spreadsheet
Laurentide Ice Sheet: Ice-Margin Positions in Wisconsin
Series of 43 page-size maps showing the chronology of the last glaciation's advances and retreats across Wisconsin. Includes a brief discussion about how the maps were made, how lake positions were determined, as well as a list of selected references. -
Municipal Drinking Water Safety: The Link Between Groundwater, Pathogens, and Public Health
Most Wisconsin municipalities already disinfect their water supply. For those that don't, this publication describes how viruses from untreated sewage can contaminate groundwater, causing acute gastrointestinal illness. It also identifies available technology for treating water. -
Wisconsin Township and Range Reference Map
Page-size map showing township and range numbers for the state, along with a brief explanation of how to use the map. -
Frac Sand in Wisconsin
The state's golden sands have inspired Wisconsin's version of a gold rush. This 2-page fact sheet shows where sandstone formations occur in Wisconsin, where frac sand is being mined and processed, why our sand is so popular, and how it's being used. -
Wisconsin Indoor Radon Data: 2010 Report of Data
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Impacts of Land Use and Groundwater Flow on the Temperature of Wisconsin Trout Streams: Final Report
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Mineral Transformation and Release of Arsenic to Solution under the Oxidizing Conditions of Well Disinfection
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Assessing the Ecological Status and Vulnerability of Springs in Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.-
Assessing the Ecological Status and Vulnerability of Springs in Wisconsin [GIS Data]
GIS Data: Shapefiles, JPEG images, Microsoft Access database