Soils of Wisconsin
A comprehensive summary of the soil resources of the state. Includes definitions of terms and concepts relating to the processes of soil formation, soil properties, soil classification, and descriptions of major soil regions and of the specific kinds of soils that characterize them. -
Soil Resources and Forest Ecology of Menominee County, Wisconsin
Soil Resources and Forest Ecology of Menominee County, Wisconsin
Report: 203 p. + 3 maps (scale 1:63,360)
Soil Survey of Waukesha County, Wisconsin: An Introductory Report
Soil Survey of Waukesha County, Wisconsin: An Introductory Report
Report: 63 p. + map (scale 1:63,360)
Soil Survey of Grant County, Wisconsin: An Introductory Report
Soil Survey of Grant County, Wisconsin: An Introductory Report
Report: 54 p. + map (scale 1:63,360)
Soils of Wisconsin
This book is divided into three parts: Part 1 looks at the factors of soil formation, the properties of Wisconsin soils, and a classification of soil. Part 2 is a study of the characteristics of Wisconsin soil associations. Part 3 describes properties of the soil series, major soil sequences and their estimated acreages.