Evaluating pXRF instrument performance using reference materials
The portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) instrument provides fast, real-time, non-destructive, multi-element geochemical data (i.e. elemental concentrations) on rocks and minerals at a relatively low cost and with minimal sample preparation. This study quantifies the precision and accuracy of measurements collected by the WGNHS pXRF on reference materials...-
Evaluating pXRF instrument performance using reference materials
Report: 50 p. (report) + 31 p. (appendices)
Industrial Sand Resources of West-Central Wisconsin
Field trip guidebook showcasing four sites in Trempealeau County in west-central Wisconsin. The focus of this trip is on the sandstone formations that are prized for frac sand mining. (A draft of this book was originally prepared for the 2017 American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) Sand Mine Life Cycle Seminar held in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.) -
Dolomite Quarries near Lake Michigan in Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Geography, Geology, and Mineral Resources of the Sparta and Tomah Quadrangles, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.-
Geography, Geology, and Mineral Resources of the Sparta and Tomah Quadrangles, Wisconsin
Report: 160 p. + 22 figures and 10 plates
Preliminary Report on Results of Physical and Chemical Tests of Wisconsin Silica Sandstones
Preliminary Report on Results of Physical and Chemical Tests of Wisconsin Silica Sandstones
Report: 61 p. + map (scale 1 in = 13 miles)
Geology of the Baraboo District, Wisconsin: A Description and Field Guide Incorporating Structural Analysis of the Precambrian Rocks and Sedimentologic Studies of the Paleozoic Strata
With summaries: Glacial Geology, R.F. Black; and Plant Ecology of the Baraboo Hills, J.H. Zimmerman.-
Geologic Map of the Baraboo District, Columbia and Sauk Counties, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: Scale 1:62,500
Map of Main Phase Minor Structures in the Baraboo Syncline, Columbia and Sauk Counties, Wisconsin [plate 3]
Map: large-format photocopy
Structural Map of the Baraboo Syncline, Columbia and Sauk Counties, Wisconsin [plate 4]
Map: large-format photocopy
Structural Data: Lower Hemisphere Equal-Area Stereoplots of Structural Elements in the Baraboo Quartzite [plate 5]
Plate: large-format photocopy
Orientations of Cross Stratification in Cambrian and Ordovician Sandstones [plate 7]
Map: large-format photocopy
Precambrian Petroleum Potential along the Midcontinent Trend
Companion volume to Geoscience Wisconsin, vol. 11. Prepared for 16th Annual Field Conference Great Lakes Section Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. -
The Clays and Clay Industries of Wisconsin
Bulletin is titled Part 1; however, Part 2 was never published.