Depth to Silurian Bedrock in Eastern Wisconsin
Silurian-aged bedrock in eastern Wisconsin is shallow, fractured, and contains groundwater that is susceptible to surface water contamination. Revisions to Wisconsin state rules ATCP50 and NR151 to regulate manure spreading over this Silurian-aged bedrock create the need for a depth-to-bedrock map of eastern WI. The Wisconsin Geological and Natural...-
Depth to Silurian Bedrock in Eastern Wisconsin [dataset 1]
GIS Data: File geodatabase, metadata
Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest Water Quality Database
The Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest (CNNF) in northern Wisconsin contains numerous groundwater-dependent water resources that may be vulnerable to potential effects of land development, mining, and climate change. In order to monitor water quality over time, 138 of the lakes, streams, wetlands, spring ponds, springs, and wells were sampled in... -
Wisconsin Groundwater-Level Monitoring Network Improvements, 2020-2022
This report documents work completed as part of a grant from the U.S. Geological Survey's National Groundwater Monitoring Network (NGWMN) program. It provides an overview of the Wisconsin Groundwater-Level Monitoring Network (WGLMN) and provides detailed description of well evaluation and repair activities, and drilling of new monitoring wells across the... -
Inventory and Analysis of Flowing Artesian Wells in Bayfield County, Wisconsin
This report presents a county-wide inventory of flowing artesian wells in Bayfield County. Flowing artesian wells are a remarkable resource of high-quality water that both community members and tourists value. This report provides baseline water quality data that are a valuable resource for future assessments. Data collection occurred in 2022. Includes... -
Assessing private well contamination in Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette counties: The southwest Wisconsin groundwater and geology study
The southwest Wisconsin groundwater and geology study (SWIGG) was a cooperative effort between Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette county governments, with scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, and WGNHS. Researchers tested water quality in hundreds of private water wells across the three...-
Assessing private well contamination in Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette counties: The southwest Wisconsin groundwater and geology study
Report: 47 p. (report) + 24 p. (appendices)
Central Sands nitrate and neonicotinoids database
The Central Sands nitrate and neonicotinoid database consists of over 100,000 measurements of nitrate and neonicotinoid concentrations in groundwater from wells across Adams, Juneau, Marquette, Portage, Waushara, and Wood counties collected between 1953 and 2021. These counties comprise the Central Sands Groundwater County Collaborative (GSGCC), which... -
Hydrogeology of the sandy uplands of the Bayfield Peninsula, Wisconsin
The sandy uplands of the Bayfield Peninsula are primary contributors to regional groundwater recharge and provide baseflow to streams in the area. Few data exist, however, to characterize upland hydrogeology or its susceptibility to groundwater contamination. Here, data from two new cores and wells, one existing well, and a lake in the sandy uplands...-
Rotosonic core data from the sandy uplands of the Bayfield Peninsula, Wisconsin [dataset 1]
Data: Spreadsheets (.csv)
Water-level measurements from two monitoring wells in the sandy uplands of the Bayfield Peninsula, Wisconsin [dataset 2]
Data: Spreadsheets (.csv)
Wisconsin Groundwater-Level Monitoring Network Improvements, 2018-2021
This report documents work completed as part of a grant from the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Groundwater Monitoring Network (NGWMN) program. It provides an overview of the Wisconsin Groundwater-Level Monitoring Network (WGLMN) and provides detailed description of well evaluation and repair activities, and drilling of new monitoring wells across the... -
A Groundwater-Flow Model and Effective Nitrate Calculator for Waupaca, Wisconsin
The City of Waupaca, Wisconsin, uses groundwater pumped from a network of seven high-capacity wells as its municipal water supply. Recent increases in the concentration of nitrate in the municipal water supply raised questions about the source of this contamination and whether it might eventually exceed standards for drinking water. This study combines...-
Geodatabase of Study Data from Waupaca, Wisconsin [dataset 1]
GIS Data: Geodatabase (.gdb file format)
Groundwater Flow Modeling Files from Waupaca, Wisconsin [dataset 2]
Data: Groundwater-flow model files
Nitrate Calculators for Municipal Wells in Waupaca, Wisconsin [dataset 3]
Data: Spreadsheets (.xlsx file format)
Applications of the Columbia County, Wisconsin, Groundwater-Flow Model
Computerized groundwater-flow models provide scientific analysis of water resources. Since its initial development in 2014, the Columbia County groundwater-flow model has been used to respond to requests for information about specific groundwater and land use issues. This companion report to the Hydrogeology and simulation of groundwater flow in Columbia... -
Hydrogeology and Simulation of Groundwater Flow in Columbia County, Wisconsin
The WGNHS and the U.S. Geological Survey characterized the hydrogeology and developed a groundwater flow model to assess groundwater resources in Columbia County. This report describes regionally extensive aquifers and presents several extensive datasets collected from deep wells across the county. The report also documents the construction and... -
Potential Effects of Climate Change on Stream Temperature in the Marengo River Headwaters
Cold-water trout habitat in Wisconsin is projected to substantially decrease as a result of climate change. The extent of habitat loss depends, in part, on groundwater discharge to streams, which can provide cool-water refuges for trout. Survey hydrogeologists used field measurements and models of groundwater flow and stream temperature to evaluate how...-
GFLOW Groundwater Flow Model of the Marengo River Headwaters [dataset 1]
Data: Groundwater flow model
Geodatabase - Three Baseflow Scenarios for the Marengo River Headwaters [dataset 2]
GIS Data: File geodatabase
Measurements of Water Chemistry, Streamflow, and Stream Temperature from the Marengo River Headwaters [dataset 3]
Data: Data (spreadsheets)
Simulated Baseflow of the Marengo River Headwaters with 21% Increase in Recharge [plate 2]
Map: 11 in x 17 in
Simulated Baseflow of the Marengo River Headwaters with 12% Decrease in Recharge [plate 3]
Map: 11 in x 17 in
Water-Quality Indicators of Human Impacts to the Wetlands of Door County, Wisconsin
Door County, the narrow peninsula in eastern Wisconsin, is home to numerous wetlands, many of which are fed by groundwater. Poor-quality groundwater discharging to a wetland can alter the ecology of the wetland and harm native plant and animal communities. This report documents a one-year study of six wetlands. Researchers recorded water quality and... -
Assessing Groundwater Quality in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, and Characterizing the Timing and Variability of Enteric Pathogen Contamination within the Dolomite Aquifer in Northeastern Wisconsin
Documentation of two studies looking at the Silurian dolomite aquifer in northeastern Wisconsin. Researchers quantified the extent of contamination from coliform bacteria, E. coli, and nitrate in Kewaunee County’s private wells. They also examined how wastewater from septic systems and livestock manure interact with environmental conditions and geology... -
Assessing Seasonal Variations in Recharge and Water Quality in the Silurian Aquifer in Areas with Thicker Soil Cover
Documentation of variations in groundwater levels and selected water-quality parameters in four wells completed in the Silurian dolomite aquifer in northeast Wisconsin (Brown, Calumet, Kewaunee, and Manitowoc Counties).-
Assessing Seasonal Variations in Recharge and Water Quality in the Silurian Aquifer in Areas with Thicker Soil Cover
Report: 38 p. + appendix (4 oversized pages)
Methods and Best Practices for Surveying Springs in Wisconsin
Description of the field methods and data management procedures used to produce the Springs Inventory (see Bulletin 113). -
An Inventory of Springs in Wisconsin
Report, database, field protocol, photos, and site sketches documenting the multi-year project inventorying springs in Wisconsin with discharge rates of at least 0.25 cubic feet per second. -
Hydrogeologic Atlas of Bayfield County, Wisconsin
Analysis of the groundwater resources in Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Includes report, five plates, and digital data.-
Generalized Water-Table Elevation Map of Bayfield County, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Plate: 29.5 in x 39.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Depth to Water Table Map of Bayfield County, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Plate: 29.5 in x 39.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Depth to Bedrock Map of Bayfield County, Wisconsin [plate 3]
Plate: 29.5 in x 39.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Groundwater Recharge Map of Bayfield County, Wisconsin [plate 4]
Plate: 29.5 in x 39.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Groundwater Susceptibility Map of Bayfield County, Wisconsin [plate 5]
Plate: 29.5 in x 39.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Wonewoc-Tunnel City Contact Interval Strata in Western Wisconsin
Results of regional study characterizing the elemental composition of rocks found at the Wonewoc-Tunnel City contact interval in west-central and southwest Wisconsin.-
Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Wonewoc-Tunnel City Contact Interval Strata in Western Wisconsin [appendices]
Data: PDF files + Excel spreadsheet
Groundwater Flow Model for Western Chippewa County
This report documents the groundwater flow model that was developed for western Chippewa County, Wisconsin. It also presents analyses that were run to evaluate how industrial sand (frac sand) mining and irrigated agriculture--might affect the water table and base flows of nearby headwater streams.