Geologic Summary of the Ashland 2° Quadrangle
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Precambrian Petroleum Potential along the Midcontinent Trend
Companion volume to Geoscience Wisconsin, vol. 11. Prepared for 16th Annual Field Conference Great Lakes Section Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. -
Preliminary Report on the Copper-Bearing Rocks of Douglas County, Wisconsin
Geological Map of Part of the St. Croix Copper Range, in Douglas Co., Wis. [plate 7]
Map: Scale 1 in = 4 miles
Geological Map of the Western Part of the Douglas Copper Range, in Douglas Co., Wis. [plate 8]
Map: Scale 1 in = 4 miles
Geological Map of the Eastern Part of the Douglas Copper Range, in Douglas Co., Wis. [plate 9]
Map: Scale 1 in = 4 miles
Geological Map of Part of the Minong Copper Range in Washburn, Douglas and Bayfield Counties, Wis. [plate 13]
Map: Scale 1 in = 4 miles