Maps Prepared as Overlays for Proposed Golf Course and Facilities North of Verona
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. See WOFR1974-03 for companion report.-
Maps Prepared as Overlays for Proposed Golf Course and Facilities North of Verona
Plate: 1 p. + 23 plates (1:24,000 scale)
The Geological Environment of the Superior Area, Douglas County, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.-
The Geological Environment of the Superior Area, Douglas County, Wisconsin
Report: 119 p. + 4 plates
Brief Description of the Geology of the Coon Valley Area
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
A Brief Description of the Geology of Juneau County
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Geology of Vilas County
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Geography, Geology, and Mineral Resources of the Sparta and Tomah Quadrangles, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.-
Geography, Geology, and Mineral Resources of the Sparta and Tomah Quadrangles, Wisconsin
Report: 160 p. + 22 figures and 10 plates
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin
Includes Physical Setting; Soils of Barron County and Their Ability to Attenuate Pollutants; Bedrock Geology; Depth to Bedrock; Hydrogeology; Water Quality; Potential Sources of Groundwater Pollution; Groundwater Levels; Groundwater Pollution Potential.-
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Soils of Barron County and Their Ability to Attenuate Pollutants
Map: 30.8 in x 20.8 in, scale 1:100,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Bedrock Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 21.5 in x 28.5 in, scale 1:250,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Depth to Bedrock in Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 21.1 in x 27.6 in, scale 1:100,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Hydrogeology of Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 37.5 in x 24.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Potential Sources of Groundwater Pollution in Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 35.75 in x 23.3 in, scale 1:100,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Groundwater Levels in Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 35.8 in x 23.3 in, scale 1:100,000
Atlas of Groundwater Resources and Geology of Barron County, Wisconsin: Groundwater Pollution Potential of Barron County, Wisconsin
Map: 36.7 in x 24.25 in, scale 1:100,000
Geology of the Baraboo District, Wisconsin: A Description and Field Guide Incorporating Structural Analysis of the Precambrian Rocks and Sedimentologic Studies of the Paleozoic Strata
With summaries: Glacial Geology, R.F. Black; and Plant Ecology of the Baraboo Hills, J.H. Zimmerman.-
Geologic Map of the Baraboo District, Columbia and Sauk Counties, Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: Scale 1:62,500
Map of Main Phase Minor Structures in the Baraboo Syncline, Columbia and Sauk Counties, Wisconsin [plate 3]
Map: large-format photocopy
Structural Map of the Baraboo Syncline, Columbia and Sauk Counties, Wisconsin [plate 4]
Map: large-format photocopy
Structural Data: Lower Hemisphere Equal-Area Stereoplots of Structural Elements in the Baraboo Quartzite [plate 5]
Plate: large-format photocopy
Orientations of Cross Stratification in Cambrian and Ordovician Sandstones [plate 7]
Map: large-format photocopy
Geoscience Wisconsin Volume 22
This special edition of Geoscience Wisconsin provides an overview of the Niagara Escarpment in Wisconsin. The papers cover the geology, processes that shaped the escarpment, biota, bats, caves and karst, and the concept of conservation geology.-
Geoscience Wisconsin, Volume 22: Wisconsin's Niagara Escarpment
Journal: 86 p. (introduction, 6 articles)
Atlas of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin
Collection of most of the plates accompanying Chamberlin's four-volume Geology of Wisconsin: Survey of 1873-1879.-
Atlas of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin: General Geological Map of Wisconsin [plate 1]
Map: Scale 1 in = 15 miles, 25.5 in x 30.3 in
Atlas of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin: General Map of Quaternary Formations [plate 2]
Map: 28.2 in x 32.4 in
Atlas of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin: General Map of Native Vegetation [plate 2A]
Map: 28.2 in x 32.4 in,
Atlas of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin: General Map of Soils [plate 2B]
Map: 28.2 in x 32.5 in
Atlas of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin: Map of Rainfall and Temperature [plate 2C]
Map: 27.7 in x 32.5 in
Atlas of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin: Maps of Subsoils and Native Vegetation of Eastern Wisconsin [plate 3]
Map: 27.82 in x 32.17 in, scale 1 in = 12 miles
Atlas of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin: Maps of Topography and Quaternary Formations of Eastern Wisconsin [plate 4]
Map: 27.83 in x 32.06 in, scale 1 in = 12 miles
Atlas of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin: Geology and Topography of the Lead Region [plate 5]
Map: 27.68 in x 32.18 in
Atlas of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin: Geology and Topography of the Lead Region [plate 6]
Map: 23.98 in x 28.94 in
Atlas of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin: Geology and Topography of the Lead Region [plate 8]
Map: 24.03 in x 28.38 in
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