Groundwater Quality Investigation Maps of Buffalo County, Wisconsin
Includes Plate 1: Nitrate as Nitrogen in mg/L. Plate 2: Chloride in mg/L. Plate 3: Laboratory Measurement of Alkalinity in mg/L. Plate 4: Total Hardness in mg/L. Plate 5: Laboratory Measurement of Electrical Conductivity in μmhos/cm. Plate 6: Ferrous Iron in mg/L. -
Groundwater Quality Investigation Maps of Price County, Wisconsin
Includes Plate 1: Nitrate as Nitrogen in mg/L. Plate 2: Chloride in mg/L. Plate 3: Laboratory Measurement of Alkalinity in mg/L. Plate 4: Total Hardness in mg/L. Plate 5: Laboratory Measurement of Electrical Conductivity in μmhos/cm. Plate 6: Ferrous Iron in mg/L. -
Groundwater Quality Investigation Maps of Polk County, Wisconsin
Includes Plate 1: Nitrate as Nitrogen in mg/L. Plate 2: Chloride in mg/L. Plate 3: Laboratory Measurement of Alkalinity in mg/L. Plate 4: Total Hardness in mg/L. Plate 5: Laboratory Measurement of Electrical Conductivity in μmhos/cm. Plate 6: Ferrous Iron in mg/L. -
Groundwater Quality Investigation Maps of Trempealeau County, Wisconsin
Includes Plate 1: Nitrate as Nitrogen in mg/L. Plate 2: Chloride in mg/L. Plate 3: Laboratory Measurement of Alkalinity in mg/L. Plate 4: Total Hardness in mg/L. Plate 5: Laboratory Measurement of Electrical Conductivity in μmhos/cm. Plate 6: Ferrous Iron in mg/L. -
Groundwater Quality Investigation Maps of Pepin County, Wisconsin
Includes Plate 1: Nitrate as Nitrogen in mg/L. Plate 2: Chloride in mg/L. Plate 3: Laboratory Measurement of Alkalinity in mg/L. Plate 4: Total Hardness in mg/L. Plate 5: Laboratory Measurement of Electrical Conductivity in μmhos/cm. Plate 6: Ferrous Iron in mg/L. -
Groundwater-Quality Investigation Maps of Pierce County, Wisconsin
Includes Plate 1: Sample Numbers (map 90-3a). Plate 2: Nitrate as Nitrogen in mg/L (map 90-3b). Plate 3: Chloride in mg/L (map 90-3c). Plate 4: Laboratory Measurement of pH (map 90-3d). Plate 5: Total Hardness in mg/L (map 90-3e). Plate 6: Laboratory Measurement of Electrical Conductivity in μmhos/cm (map 90-3f). Plate 7: Ferrous Iron in mg/L (map 90-3g). -
Groundwater Contamination Susceptibility in Wisconsin
How susceptible are different areas of Wisconsin to groundwater contamination? This map gives a quick visual overview. It was created using type of bedrock, depth to bedrock, depth to water table, soil type, and surface deposits.