Impacts of Land Use and Groundwater Flow on the Temperature of Wisconsin Trout Streams: Final Report
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Preliminary Geology of the Buried Bedrock Surface, Pierce County, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.-
Preliminary Geology of the Buried Bedrock Surface, Pierce County, Wisconsin
Map: 34 in x 22 in, scale 1:100,000
Mineral Transformation and Release of Arsenic to Solution under the Oxidizing Conditions of Well Disinfection
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Preliminary Quaternary Geologic Map of the Northern Fox River Lowland, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed.-
Preliminary Quaternary Geologic Map of the Northern Fox River Lowland, Wisconsin
Map: 42 in x 30.5 in, scale 1:100,000
Inventory of Wisconsin's Springs
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Geology of the Rock Elm Complex, Pierce County, Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Late-Glacial History of East-Central Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Landscapes of Dane County, Wisconsin
Explains the geologic causes of the county’s natural landscape and follows each description with an exploration of the parts of the county that showcase specific geologic features. Includes a folded color map that shows the surface geology and locations of parks. Heavily illustrated.-
Generalized Glacial Geologic Map of Dane County, Wisconsin
Map: 14.5 in x 24 in, scale 1:200,000
Pleistocene Geology of Chippewa County, Wisconsin
Pleistocene Geology of Chippewa County, Wisconsin
Report: 53 p. + map and cross sections (scale 1:100,000)
Pleistocene Geology of Chippewa County, Wisconsin (version 2) [GIS data]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase and metadata; supersedes previous coverage format
Pleistocene Geologic Cross Sections of Chippewa County, Wisconsin [plate 2]
Plate: Scale 1:100,000