Groundwater Flow Model for Western Chippewa County
This report documents the groundwater flow model that was developed for western Chippewa County, Wisconsin. It also presents analyses that were run to evaluate how industrial sand (frac sand) mining and irrigated agriculture--might affect the water table and base flows of nearby headwater streams. -
Bedrock Geology of Wisconsin, Northwest Sheet
Types of bedrock, formation names, major faults, and time period of formation.-
Bedrock Geology of Wisconsin, Northwest Sheet
Map: 37.5 in x 22 in, scale 1:250,000 (map), 35.5 in x 20 in (explanation and cross sections)
Reconnoissance [sic] Soil Survey of North Part of North Central Wisconsin
Reconnoissance [sic] Soil Survey of North Part of North Central Wisconsin
Report: 80 p. + map (scale 1 in = 3 miles)
Soil Map: Wisconsin, Reconnoissance [sic] Survey - North Part of North Central Wisconsin Sheet
Map: Scale 1 in = 3 miles
Reconnoissance [sic] Soil Survey of Part of North Western Wisconsin
Reconnoissance [sic] Soil Survey of Part of North Western Wisconsin (2nd edition)
Report: 102 p. + map (scale 1 in = 3 miles)
Preliminary Report on the Soils and Agricultural Conditions of North Central Wisconsin
Preliminary Report on the Soils and Agricultural Conditions of North Central Wisconsin (2nd edition)
Report: 72 p. + map (scale 1 in = 3 miles)