Wisconsin Groundwater-Level Monitoring Network Improvements, 2018-2021
This report documents work completed as part of a grant from the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Groundwater Monitoring Network (NGWMN) program. It provides an overview of the Wisconsin Groundwater-Level Monitoring Network (WGLMN) and provides detailed description of well evaluation and repair activities, and drilling of new monitoring wells across the... -
Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Wonewoc-Tunnel City Contact Interval Strata in Western Wisconsin
Results of regional study characterizing the elemental composition of rocks found at the Wonewoc-Tunnel City contact interval in west-central and southwest Wisconsin.-
Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Wonewoc-Tunnel City Contact Interval Strata in Western Wisconsin [appendices]
Data: PDF files + Excel spreadsheet
Groundwater Flow Model for Western Chippewa County
This report documents the groundwater flow model that was developed for western Chippewa County, Wisconsin. It also presents analyses that were run to evaluate how industrial sand (frac sand) mining and irrigated agriculture--might affect the water table and base flows of nearby headwater streams. -
Managing Chippewa County's Groundwater--Today and Tomorrow: Evaluating the Impacts of Industrial Sand Mines and Irrigated Agriculture on the County's Water Resources
In 2012, Chippewa County commissioned the Wisconsin Geological Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey to conduct a 5-year study of the groundwater resources in the western part of the county. This 4-page publication describes the study and the computer models being developed for it. -
Executive Summary of the Chippewa County Groundwater Resource Investigation
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Discussion of the Phenomena of Local Glaciation in the Driftless Region
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Studies in the Driftless Region of Wisconsin
Open-file report; contains unpublished data that has not yet been peer-reviewed. -
Geology of Wisconsin - Outcrop Descriptions
These descriptions illustrate various geologic formations, features, and characteristics. Individual descriptions are one to ten pages long, and include a map with specific location, a description of geologic features, and a discussion of the geologic significance. -
Groundwater Quality Investigation of Chippewa County, Wisconsin
Includes Plate 1: Sample Numbers. Plate 2: Nitrate–Nitrogen in mg/L. Plate 3: Chloride in mg/L. Plate 4: Laboratory Measurement of pH. Plate 5: Total Hardness in mg/L. Plate 6: Conductivity in µmhos/cm. Plate 7: Ferrous iron in mg/L.-
Groundwater Quality Investigation of Chippewa County, Wisconsin: Sample Numbers [plate 1]
Map: 25.9 in x 23.3 in, scale 1:100,000
Groundwater Quality Investigation of Chippewa County, Wisconsin: Nitrate-Nitrogen in mg/L [plate 2]
Map: 26.7 in x 23.3 in, scale 1:100,000
Groundwater Quality Investigation of Chippewa County, Wisconsin: Chloride in mg/L [plate 3]
Map: 27 in x 23.3 in, scale 1:100,000
Groundwater Quality Investigation of Chippewa County, Wisconsin: Laboratory Measurement of pH [plate 4]
Map: 26.7 in x 23.7 in, scale 1:100,000
Groundwater Quality Investigation of Chippewa County, Wisconsin: Total Hardness in mg/L [plate 5]
Map: 26.9 in x 23.4 in, scale 1:100,000
Groundwater Quality Investigation of Chippewa County, Wisconsin: Conductivity in ?mhos/cm [plate 6]
Map: 27.4 in x 23.3 in, scale 1:100,000
Groundwater Quality Investigation of Chippewa County, Wisconsin: Ferrous Iron in mg/L [plate 7]
Map: 27.4 in x 23.6 in, scale 1:100,000
Bedrock Geology of Wisconsin, West-Central Sheet
Types of bedrock, formation names, major faults, and time period of formation.-
Bedrock Geology of Wisconsin, West-Central Sheet [GIS data]
GIS Data: GeMS file geodatabase and metadata
Generalized Water-Table Elevation of Chippewa County, Wisconsin
GIS Data for the Generalized Water-Table Elevation of Chippewa County, Wisconsin [dataset 1]
GIS Data: File geodatabase, metadata
Bedrock Geology of Wisconsin, Northwest Sheet
Types of bedrock, formation names, major faults, and time period of formation.-
Bedrock Geology of Wisconsin, Northwest Sheet
Map: 37.5 in x 22 in, scale 1:250,000 (map), 35.5 in x 20 in (explanation and cross sections)
Field Trip Guidebook for Cambrian-Ordovician Geology of Western Wisconsin
With special papers: Lithologic Cycles in Lower Paleozoic Rocks of Western Wisconsin, M.E. Ostrom; and Lithostratigraphy of the Prairie du Chien Group, R.A. Davis, Jr. -
Cambrian Stratigraphy in Western Wisconsin
Notes accompanying a 1966 conference field trip covering geology between Chippewa Falls and Trempealeau and between Elroy and Portage. Routes shown.